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Zadro Sunlight 365 Personal Artificial Sunlight Therapy (SUN365)
Zadro Sunlight 365 Personal Artificial Sunlight Therapy (SUN365)
Zadro Sunlight 365 Personal Artificial Sunlight Therapy (SUN365)
Item#: SUN365
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Product Description
Sunlight 365 is a light that mimics natural sunlight. It is design specifically to produce the wavelengths of light in order to give user the appearance of artificial sun.
  • Sunlight Without Harmful UV Rays
  • Natural Sunlight Rebalances our Melatonin & Serotonin
  • Light regulates our lives. We wake up with it and go to sleep when its dark.
  • Without Sunlight, people can feel: Tired, Depressed, No Energy, Have Sleep Disorders.
Light regulates our lives. We wake up with the light and go to sleep when it is dark.During winter months when there is not a lot of natural sunlight and it's raining or snowing you might be effected by not being as active and feeling the blues. A bright Light in a sunlight frequency can help as your brain perceives it as a natural sunlight.
  • You can travel with it
  • It is safe as there is no UV
  • There are no chemicals
  • It is portable - you can travel with this unit.
Your Sunlight 365 Includes:
  • 35pcs Blue LED
  • Adjustment of Light Intensity
  • Countdown Timer
  • Desktop Clock
  • LED Backlight
  • Power Adapter

PK Beauty Supply : : 773-966-4579 : : 9am~6pm CST